
Every time i take pictures of them is a lesson for me... gives me the chance to realize what really matters in life... our priorities... do we really want to change inside for better?
East Timor


I don´t want to impress anyone... just want to share what i see often. This is the reality of our small world...


Mana... esta foto é para ti... Nós somos assim...

Ela tem alegria, movimento, amor, amizade, ternura, companheirismo, ...
Não consigo imaginar a minha vida sem ti!
Tu dás-me cor... pintas a maratona da minha vida com as cores que estou a precisar no momento e isso torna a corrida tão mais fácil...
Esta foto simboliza tudo aquilo que representamos na vida uma da outra... e não te quero largar nunca... nunca!
Agradecer é pouco... tu és tudo!
East Timor


Don´t be afraid... Look forward!

We have to give ourselves the opportunity to find the true sense of purpose in this life and learn how to appreciate every single moment !

We should also be strong and confident enough to rearrange our priorities and follow our dreams...
East Timor


When we observe a child we can see sincerity and spontaneity... for many, behind smiles they hide hard lives of suffering and anguish. Still, they have the ability to smile ... and they smile with their heart !!
Children have taught me a lot ...
East Timor


Friendship, amizade, amistad, amitié, persahabatan, Freundschaft, 友誼,...
Friend is the one who listen, accept and understand.
With friends we open our hearts and share ... cry or laugh... and then we grow.
Everyone needs a good friend...
I need and have... and with a thankful heart i say : Thank you for running with me the road of life and for always being there !!
East Timor